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Boosting & Jumping mechanics - Rocket Science #1


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jump to this position in videoHello Guys, welcome to Rocket Science where we try to solve the mystery of Rocket League's jump to this position in videophysics and show the best ways to use them to your advantage ingame. jump to this position in videoFirst up, Boost.

Boost (outdated)

jump to this position in videoIn order to fully understand Rocket League we need to lay the groundwork first. jump to this position in videoBoost is saved internally as an 8-bit unsigned integer. jump to this position in videoWhat does this mean? Well Computers. The important thing to take away from this jump to this position in videois: Boost is a value between 0-255. jump to this position in videoThe number that you see in the game is just a percentage calculated from this value.

jump to this position in videoKnowing this, we can explain some seemingly weird behaviour with small boost pads. jump to this position in videoIn these videos you can see me going both from 88% boost to 99% aswell as 88% to 100%. jump to this position in videoHow is this possible? jump to this position in videoThis is where the actual values come into play. One small boost pad gives you 30/255 boost = 11.76% jump to this position in videoOn the left we're going from 223 Boost to 253. jump to this position in videoAnd on the right we're going from 224 to 254. jump to this position in video254 however is still not the maximum value, allowing us to pick up another boost pad jump to this position in videoeven though it looks like we're already at 100% jump to this position in videoSecond topic, Accelerating in the air

Accelerating in the air

jump to this position in videoA lot of players already know that it is possible to accelerate in the air without boost. jump to this position in videoThis allows you to get just that little bit further in the air when running out of boost, which is great. jump to this position in videoHowever I wanted to research this a little more. Here's what I found. jump to this position in videoAcceleration works in much the same way boost does. jump to this position in videoThis means you can not only accelerate forwards but also upwards by pointing your nose up. jump to this position in videoOfcourse the force is much lower than that of boost and it's not strong enough jump to this position in videoto cancel out gravity but in some cases it does make a difference. jump to this position in videoIn both videos I use the same macro to make sure that the same actions are performed. jump to this position in videoThe only difference being the acceleration key. The car only hits the top if the key is pressed. jump to this position in videoThere are more noticeable examples of this but we will get to those later. jump to this position in videoGoing backwards propels you towards the back of the car. jump to this position in videoIt should be noted however that the force is lower than the one going forward.


jump to this position in videoJumping is similar to acceleration. jump to this position in videoIf you went through the Rocket League tutorial, you know that holding down your jump button will jump to this position in videoextend the height of the jump. While holding down the jump button there is jump to this position in videoa force active that pulls the car in the direction of it's roof, as can be seen from these examples. jump to this position in videoThis force is only active for the first 250 ms 200 ms after your jump. jump to this position in videoIf you keep your jump button pressed longer than that it won't make a difference. jump to this position in videoAfter lots of testing I've come to the conclusion that the second jump in the air does not have this force at all. jump to this position in videoSo you don't have to worry about keeping the jump button pressed there.


jump to this position in videoAlright enough theory for now. How do we apply this knowledge ingame? jump to this position in videoWe can use it to figure out how to jump as high as possible.

Disclaimer: The information in this portion of the video is not necessarily wrong but not as precise as in the video Perfect fast aerials through science! - Rocket Science Applied #2

jump to this position in videoJumping creates an impulse in the direction of the car's roof. jump to this position in videoThat means tilting the car backwards by 90° instantly is going to render the second jump useless. jump to this position in videoWhen at 0 boost, the best way to use the second jump is almost straight up. jump to this position in videoBecause the force of acceleration in the air is so low, the impulse of the jump is more important. jump to this position in videoJump and hold the button for about a quarter of a second while pulling your car backwards jump to this position in videoby about 10°, then jump again and tilt all the way backwards. jump to this position in videoMake sure to accelerate the whole way to gain the most height. jump to this position in videoIf you have even the smallest amount of boost, this changes. jump to this position in videoBoost is much more powerful than (engine) acceleration. Because of that, it is worth it jump to this position in videoto tilt your car backwards by about 30° before the second jump. jump to this position in videoTo gain the maximum height out of low amounts of boost: Jump and hold the button for about jump to this position in videoa quarter of a second, pulling your car backwards by about 30°. Boost and then jump immediately jump to this position in videoto make sure the momentum of the second jump carries over. Once again, make sure to accelerate jump to this position in videowhenever you're not boosting to get to the maximum height. jump to this position in videoPerfecting this motion will allow you to touch the crossbar with 5 boost, jump to this position in videoland above the goal with 12 boost, or reach the ceiling of standard maps with 40 boost. jump to this position in videoThis is a great example of how much of a difference accelerating can make. jump to this position in videoIf you're not accelerating, you will fall short of the ceiling. jump to this position in videoIf you have plenty of boost and you need to get up quick then you want to be holding boost down from the start. jump to this position in videoBecause you're tilting your car backwards after the first jump, the boost will start to push you up against gravity immediately. jump to this position in videoThis allows you to reach the ceiling in little more than 2 seconds. jump to this position in videoIf you want to practice some of the newly learned things, I've provided a link to a jump to this position in videoRocket League Trainer shot in the description. jump to this position in videoThe goal is to clear the ball off the backboard with only 12 boost. jump to this position in videoIn order to use this you'll want to start an exhibition match with no bots. jump to this position in videoEmpty your boost and hit F3 to reset the shot. jump to this position in videoAlright that's it for now guys. If you have any questions or found any mistakes please jump to this position in videopost them in the comments and leave me suggestions for what I should test in the future.

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  • The training shot mentioned in the video doesn't exist because 'Rocket League Trainer' doesn't exist anymore