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Spring Major in review


The Spring Major was a huge success and very entertaining for anyone but the most diehard NA fans. zen has once again lived up to the hype and so has the rest of EU. They even exceeded expectations slightly. For NA, I can offer some copium though. With V1 and FaZe missing, two of the top 5 ranked NA teams weren't even there. This isn't great consolation, however, as V1 didn't end up making Worlds. Still, there is a fascinating phenomenon called regression to the mean. It basically just means, when someone overperforms, they're likely to underperform later. It also works the other way around. That alone makes it unlikely that Worlds will be as dire for NA again.

Rule One successfully stole the last Worlds spot from V1, so we'll see Falcons and Twisted Minds in the Worlds Wildcard now. That also means we're expected to have 2 MENA teams in the Top 16 for the first time. Let's see how they use that opportunity. SAM, OCE, and APAC unfortunately don't have anything positive to report. Only one victory over a flailing FURIA between all of them.

The total region adjustments are: MENA +35, EU +15, APAC -4, SAM -6, OCE -11, NA -17. OCE and APAC still walk away with more points than they had a month ago due to their performances in The Draw.

The AI predictions overall were decent for this tournament: 24/31 correct (74%). Unfortunately, due to the way that brackets can fall apart on a single result, the Pickstop result was only a silver medal. That makes it the worst AI result for an international Major.

If you want to see the overall rankings, they're available on the usual page. I want to once again honor the best performing players at the Major. For that purpose, I set all players rating to the same starting rating before the Major and let the model work it out from there. The starting rating was the average of the attending teams (2350). Check it out below:

Player Rankings

2500 2500 1 Uncertainty: 89 Rating: 2591 2591 Team VitalityzenFR Flag 2 Uncertainty: 90 Rating: 2581 2581 Team VitalityAlpha54FR Flag 3 Uncertainty: 95 Rating: 2522 2522 Team BDSrise.EN Flag 4 Uncertainty: 96 Rating: 2519 2519 Team VitalityRadosinFR Flag 5 Uncertainty: 96 Rating: 2499 2499 Team BDSM0nkey M00nFR Flag 6 Uncertainty: 100 Rating: 2480 2480 Team BDSSeikooFR Flag 7 Uncertainty: 108 Rating: 2470 2470 Rule OneKiileerrzSA Flag 8 Uncertainty: 98 Rating: 2467 2467 Karmine CorpExoTiiKFR Flag 9 Uncertainty: 102 Rating: 2453 2453 Karmine CorpVatiraFR Flag 10 Uncertainty: 100 Rating: 2453 2453 Gen.G EsportsApparentlyJackEN Flag 11 Uncertainty: 106 Rating: 2440 2440 Rule OneRw9SA Flag 12 Uncertainty: 103 Rating: 2423 2423 Moist EsportsKashEN Flag 13 Uncertainty: 104 Rating: 2400 2400 Gen.G EsportsChronicUS Flag 14 Uncertainty: 104 Rating: 2387 2387 Complexity GamingcrrES Flag 15 Uncertainty: 103 Rating: 2387 2387 Complexity GamingReysbullCL Flag 16 Uncertainty: 100 Rating: 2381 2381 Team LiquidOskiPL Flag 17 Uncertainty: 114 Rating: 2379 2379 Ninjas in PyjamasMottaBR Flag 18 Uncertainty: 102 Rating: 2377 2377 Moist EsportsJoyoEN Flag 19 Uncertainty: 116 Rating: 2376 2376 Rule OneM7sNSA Flag 20 Uncertainty: 96 Rating: 2375 2375 Moist EsportsjuicyFR Flag 21 Uncertainty: 102 Rating: 2358 2358 Team LiquidAtow.BE Flag 22 Uncertainty: 109 Rating: 2354 2354 Spacestation GamingLjUS Flag 23 Uncertainty: 101 Rating: 2352 2352 Gen.G EsportsnolyEN Flag 24 Uncertainty: 104 Rating: 2350 2350 Karmine CorpitachiMA Flag 25 Uncertainty: 102 Rating: 2347 2347 Team LiquidAcroniK.PT Flag