Backing up Gfycats to preserve Rocket League history
Unfortunately the popular video/gif sharing website gfycat.com will cease operations next month. Gfycat was the premiere way people used to share Rocket League clips. Many historic clips/discoveries are only on gfycat.com and the link to those videos will forever be unreachable.
The “solution”
Anyone that knows a few things about hosting websites is aware that video hosting is about the most expensive thing you can take on. Therefore, I am unfortunately not going to be able to rehost most gfycat clips or even create a similar platform, but I wanted to make sure that I can do whatever is feasible to preserve some of what will be deleted.
For that purpose, I have backed up all clips uploaded by me (HalfwayDead/Rocket Science), Rocket Sledge, and HoraryHellfire. Every single gfycat reddit post on /r/rocketleague that has over 10k upvotes is also backed up and available here, and on top of that, I have stored some specific clips like the Musty’s original musty flick. This means it’s a mini gfycat archive of a few hundred Rocket League clips.
How to access?
There is no library or browse features because I don’t want my site to be flooded by video related requests. It’s only for archival purposes, so it’s still possible to find a clip that you couldn’t find before.
So lets say you come across a link https://gfycat.com/evergreenincrediblefallowdeer
in one of my reddit comments. You can simply copy paste the link without https://
and put it into your browser as an extension to the rocketscience website like so: https://rocketscience.fyi/gfycat.com/evergreenincrediblefallowdeer
. If it was backed up, you should see the clip, and if it wasn’t, it will show you an error saying that it wasn’t backed up. If it’s not a Rocket League clip, don’t bother trying. I didn’t put any non-RL clips on here.
A couple of clips were memes with movie clips and I did not back them up because I don't want any copyright issues. If anyone objects to the backup of the public clips, feel free to contact me to get your clip removed.